ISP access failure? Sophisticated denial-of-service attack? Multiple distantly remote or isolated network sites? Need a last-resort-access as part of your cybersecurity strategy?
BorderMANAGE is an out-of-band solution that provides peace of mind for all these scenarios and more. Our combined hardware and access services provide critical posture for your cybersecurity needs. Simple to implement and maintain, BorderMANAGE is secure and ready from anywhere 24/7, whether your systems are located in the same building as the IT department or at a remote location. It’s all about speed. We want you to be up and running at all times by reducing travel time, downtime delays, and organizational frustration.
Using today’s latest cellular technologies, we provide wireless and secure out-of-band connection to your firewall via your firewall’s management port. This unique access allows you to monitor, configure, troubleshoot, and back up your firewall appliance.
We’re passionate about technology. Firewall customers need a solution to access their firewall when a critical failure, denial-of service attack, or failed internet connection occurs. Our top priority is your cybersecurity success. The BorderMANAGE solution is simple to deploy and sits ready 24/7.
Need us to help with routine tasks? We have several service packages for monitoring, backup, and maintenance of your firewall. However, if your requirements need a more custom set of services, contact us to put together and configure a service package that is right for you. Call us toll-free at 1-855-945-8100 or visit our website
BorderMANAGE Product and Service Packages
Utilize BorderMANAGE to move firewall management to a dedicated connection unaffected by ISP outages. Manage your firewall on your terms without having to make a late night run back to the office!
We can also provide customized service packages to meet your specific needs. Just email or call to connect with a BorderMANAGE specialist to discuss your specific requirements to put together a service package that will fulfill your needs.
BorderMANAGE is an IT administrator's best tool for managing firewalls. Our out-of-band connect anywhere technology allows troubleshooting and maintenance of firewalls 24/7 during the critical moments when the primary internet connection fails. Our staff can help setup the connection and assist with guidance to extend your IT department policies for secure and safe access.
When a building site loses connection to the internet, IT loses its ability to troubleshoot and perform repair procedures. BorderMANAGE was created to enable IT to have access to their firewalls 24/7, even if the network is down. It is ideal for those who manage multiple firewalls, or those who outsource management and maintenance of those firewalls due to lack of internal resources. As a division of BorderLAN Inc., BorderMANGE will ensure that our customers and school systems will be able to better maintain dozens of firewalls, thus keeping their networks up and running with limited staff and resources.
BorderMANAGE is a subscription service that provides all-in-one lease of equipment, plus Verizon subscription plans for participating customers.
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